Excursiones Gustavo - República Dominicana
Excursiones Aéreas,Marítimas y Terrestres República Dominicana-Air,Marine,Terrestrial Excursions Dominican Republic-Ausflüge an Land auf dem Meer und in der Luft Dominikanische Republik-Szabadidös programok,fakúltatív kirándulások Dominikai Köztársaság
The biggest attraction in La Romana, is Altos de Chavón, a recreation of
a medieval European village.Its construction began in 1976 when the
construction of a nearby road and bridge crossing the Chavón river
had to be blasted through a mountain of stone. Charles Bludhorn,
had the idea of using the stones to build a sixteenth century
Mediterranean village. Adding authenticity to the entire fantasy is the
charming St.Stanislaus Church, with its plaza and sparkling fountain
that is a popular wedding venue. The Church of St Stanislaus was named
after the patron saint of Poland in tribute to Pope John Paul II.
Altos de Chavón es una villa de tipo mediterráneo antiguo construida en
una altura sobre el río Chavón, llamada Ciudad de los Artistas. Cuenta
también con un Anfiteatro Notable.Su construcción se inició en 1976
cuando para la apertura de una carretera fue preciso dinamitar una
montaña de piedra.Charles Bludhorn, tuvo la idea de aprovechar las
piedras para construir una aldea mediterrán del siglo XVI. El río
Chavón, sobre el que la ciudad dispone de una magnifica panorámica,
fue el marco escogido para la grabación de algunas películas famosas
como Apocalypse Now y Rambo
Das Künstlerdorf Altos de Chavon ist aus einer Idee von Charles
Bludhorn, dem Präsident der Golf & Western Corporation entstanden.
Dieses Dorf ist angelehnt an die Bauweise des mediterranen Europas
aus dem 16. Jahrhundert. Der Grundstein wurde im Jahre 1976 gelegt.
Beeindruckend ist die spektakuläre Sicht auf den Fluss Chavon und
die karibische See. Diese Atmosphäre muss einfach inspirierend auf die
Künstler in dem Dorf wirken, die dort leben, studieren und arbeiten.Der
Fluss Chavon bot das Szenario für die Filme Apocalypse now und Rambo.
Az egyik legnagyobb látványosság a köztársaságban, Altos de Chavón,
más néven a Müvészetek városa, vagy Korallváros. Charles Bluhdorn
a Gulf+Western tulajdonosának az elképzelése volt a Chavón folyó
melletti hegyes részen korallköböl felépíteni a várost. Csodáltos
panoráma tárul elénk a folyóra nézve ahol a Rambo és az Apocalipto
Now címü filmek egyes részeit forgatták. Található még egy 5000
féröhelyes amfiteátrum és egy templom is amelyet a lengyelek
védöszentjéröl (II. János Pál pápa tiszteletére) Stanislaus templomának
nevezték el.
Punta Cana-Bavaró-La Romana-Tabacaleria de Garcia-Casa de Campo-Altos de Chavón-Boca de Yuma-Higüey-Bavaró-Punta Cana Minian or Minibus Departure-Salida-Abreise-Indulás: 08.00AM Punta Cana
Important-Importonte-Wichtig-Fontos Cut-Gorra-Kappe-Sapka
Sun protection-Protector Solar-Sonnenschutzcreme-Napkrém
Repelent of insects-Repelente de insectos-Repellenzspray-Szúnyogriasztókrém
Adjustable chanclas-Chanclas ajustable-Verstellerbarer Gummisandale-Gumiszandál
Snorkerl Kit--Snorkerl personal-Schnorkerlset-Snorkerlfelszerelés
Towels,Beach clothets-Bañador, toallas-Schwimmweste,badetuch-Fürdöruha,törölközö
Cam-Camara-Camera-Kamera drink free-bebida gratuita-freie drinks-ital gratisz
Group-Grupo-Gruppen-Csoport 4-10 Persons-Personas-Personen-Személy SEE MORE TOURISM EXCURSIONES E.I.R.L. Excursiones Aéreas, Maritimas y Terrestres All Right Reserved®
Tel.: (00-1)809-864-5862 Tel.:(00-1)829-910-0621 E-mail: //BY:G.H. - 2000-2011
Eco Tourism Excursiones Gustavo
The Dominican Republic is a colorful tapestry of Spanish, French, Haitian, and African influences woven by a rich and storied history. Christopher Columbus described this lush land as "a beautiful island paradise with high forested mountains and large river valleys". This statement is still as true today as it was in 1492. In addition to the comforts of sun, sea, and sand, the Dominican Republic offers an exciting and unique cultural experience that will captivate your senses.
This is a destination like no other - a sensual feast of dazzling landscapes, exotic cuisine, and a remarkable variety of arts and entertainment options. The pulse-pounding thrill of the merengue, intriguing relics from centuries past, premium cigars, and even world-class baseball await you. The Dominican Republic is a surprising place that will delight even the most experienced traveler.
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With so many options to choose from, the hardest part of planning a trip to the Dominican Republic is planning your departure for home. Seven major airlines serve the Dominican Republic, so you'll always have a good choice of flights. Many tour operators offer daytrips with a wide appeal, but specialty travel is also a popular option.
Ecotourism and adventure tours that involve helicopter rides, kayaking, four-wheeling, caving, and other thrilling escapades are available to the intrepid traveler. If family oriented itineraries are more your speed, consider tours that include horseback riding, water parks, and whale watching. The Dominican Republic is also becoming a popular destination for weddings, honeymoons, meetings, and conventions.
The Dominican Republic enjoys warm tropical weather year round, so pack for paradise. Don't forget sunglasses, sunblock, and your bathing suit.
With seven international airports and a streamlined immigration process, visiting paradise has never been easier. Even communication is trouble-free because although Spanish is the official language, most employees in hotels and tourist spots speak English.
The Tourist Card is a required document for residents of authorized countries to enter the Dominican Republic exclusively for touristic purposes without a visa. It can be obtained at the Dominican Consulates or directly upon arrival at the airports in the Dominican Republic. The cost is US $10 and is valid for 30 days. (Please note that some of the tour operators include the Tourist Card in their packages.)
Year-round sports, effervescent nightlife, distinctive souvenir shopping, magnificent national parks, and world class gambling make for a jam-packed vacation to do list. But when you see the spectacular beaches, you might just want to pull up a chair and relax.
Outdoor activities like golf, snorkeling, windsurfing, kiteboarding, and boating are a thrilling way to experience the natural beauty of land and sea. With over two-dozen national parks, other quieter options for communion with nature like hiking and bird watching are also available. Indoor activities offer you the chance to strike it rich, dance the night away, or shop for curious mementos like carnival masks, amber, and a strange, liquid cure-all called Mamajuana.